Lidija As She Preaches on Zagreb Square



Faith Ministries

Faith Ministries was started in 1988 when the Lord sent us from Africa to UK, to be missionaries here. God told me that I had to come to Britain as a missionary , as we had been missionaries in Africa prior to this. We walk by faith and so we came and God prepared the way. We started a church and built the Leeds Christian Centre from nothing. A school; church; bible school; bookshop; videos and tapes etc.

We are constantly thankful to the Lord for what He has provided for us.

The Lord led us to seek Him more earnestly during1996 and we sought Him daily. (Many fell away during this time). Each night calling out on the Lord and the Lord began to speak to us. Get rid of everything. Put Me first. Get separated unto Me. etc. etc. Everything had to go even the way in which we thought of church. The Lord Jesus was showing us that His church is different to the English way of church. It is powerful and directly lead by Him. Here in England we have people leading people instead of God leading people. In the hands of the Living God we can do exactly what He says we can in the bible.

Then He sent us out proclaiming. There was instant upheaval in the city and the surrounding cities which the Lord sent us to. Many times we were arrested for disturbing the peace. The devil's peace no doubt! God is wanting His people to stand up for Him and His ways, as being the right ways. Not keeping these things within but

shouting them from the rooftops

To salt society and warn them of the consequences of rejecting God's ways. To challenge the church in it's complacency and bring God's living word to His people. To get the voice of God out, instead of it being continually hidden from view. Acts 11:42 says that we are commanded to preach that Jesus is the judge of the living and the dead. There is an awful consequence to rebellion, that God would rather people did not have to pay. As a result, here in Britain, we are now a ministry team of preachers doing healing and miracles on the streets as the Lord leads us.

We live by faith and get our livelihood and succour from the Lord. Our teams go preaching daily around Britain.